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Alaskan Malamutes

19 10:39:15

Dear Shawn, I am about to get a female Alaskan Malamute puppy and would like to eventually get a partner for her.  What age is best to introduce a male malamute puppy and what is the best way forward to stop any potential dominance/fighting issues with in my pack home?  Do you also have any advice for a first time Alaskan Malamute breeder and show/working dog owner?


I could answer your question, but I really wouldn't feel like I gave you the best answer, because I have never handled or owned mals. I have owned, bred, studied and shown Siberians for years, but they are a far different breed then mals. For instance, Siberians crave and demand a pack, and mals are a little more stand offish with other dogs. I would like to offer the typical advice of all owner/handlers- if you are showing in conformation, try your hardest not to have two in puppy classes at the same time. What a nightmare! If you are planning on a slow accent into the show world, waiting until your bitch is finished and specialing before adding a puppy class prospect, or purchasing your puppy when your bitch has several points (So by the time he is ready for the 6-9 class your bitch is finished or close to it) so that you don't have to work on building both their points at the same time is *so* much easier. Also, raising two puppies together is very difficult, time consuming, and nerve wracking. I am doing it right now and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy! (Well, maybe a little bit :D )

If we were talking about dogs in general, I would wait until your bitch was out of puppy classes, stable in personality and training at home, and at least 18 months or so to give her a good head start before adding a new puppy.

Have you spoken with your breeder? If you are getting a show/working pup from a reputable breeder they should be MORE then happy to sit down and talk with you about some of the more intricate details of the breeds traits.

Also, try visiting That is a GREAT forum for all us big dog owners!

Good luck with your new puppy!!! Congratulations!