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come when called off leash

19 9:53:05

I have a 12 year old australian shephard. Has been to puppy kindergarden, pre novice and novice obedience 2 times. He did great in class and at home when on leash. But I have to yell to get to come when loose if he comes but not till I get to bellering stage. I have tried having a thin line on him he knows when its on. Have trained other dogslike this. Any advice would help. I know he is getting older and maybe hearing is not what it used to be but he sure hears you open a candy wrapper. Not a real food motivated guy either.
Thanks Vickie

Part of your problem could indeed be the dog's hearing. It seems to get "selective" in some dogs before it goes altogether.

I've always taught a good recall using food with my dogs. They come both to voice and whistle. The older ones now teach the younger, which works out very nicely. If yours is not food-motivated, you either need to UP your food reward (string cheese works for me) or find something else to use as a reward. Does your dog have a favorite toy? Does he like to play tug? Playing with the owner can sometimes be a great motivator.

That said, however, at the age of twelve, I wouldn't be too concerned about this; I just wouldn't let him off leash. Your dog may have been great in his classes as a puppy, but obedience is something that needs to be worked with on a regular basis. Ignore it for a few years, and it just won't exist anymore.