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Dog just neutered having accidents in house

19 11:30:07


Our 6 month old terrier cross was just neutered last week. He still has his stitches in, and as we've another 4 month old puppy we're letting them sleep in our room until his stitches come out so we can make sure the younger one doesn't pull out his stitches.

The problem is the one just neutered is now having accidents in the house. They normally sleep in the kitchen at night, and we usually have to clean up in the morning, but during the day they're taken out regularly and it's usually the smaller pup who still has accidents (although not many).

At night he's peeing in our room, and he also pooed. He didn't make any effort to ask to go out. He's a rescue dog and doesn't make any noise usually (we think he was treated badly) and this has been a problem for housetraining, but he does go and sit by the door and we can tell he wants to go. However last night my husband was awake and watched him just walk a couple of steps and then pee.

He has always had a sensitive stomach and is prone to diarrhea, and he did get diarrhea when we gave him the painkillers the vet prescribed so that might explain the soiling in the house. But with the peeing he doesn't seem to be making any effort to hold it in or tell us he needs to go (prior to the neutering he was getting very good bladder control and only needed to go out every 3/4 hours).

Should I be getting the vet to check him for a urine infection - is it common for them to get one after neutering? Or could there be another reason for the change in behavior?

PS - we don't get angry with him when he does it, we just tell him no firmly and bring him out to his usual spot outside. Our youngest pup has now started having more accidents in the house than usual - as if she now thinks it's ok to do it!

By this age your pups should not be having accidents at night. Do not feed after five nor offer water after 9 pm. Make sure they get taken out ALOT. If this behavior is new and unusual, for your older pup, occurring only since neutering consult your vet. He could have a UTI and need some antibiotics. Could be just soreness from the neutering when he tries to hold his urine,. Either way, have him vet checked first and then check back and I will help you with some housetraining advice. You shouldn't be cleaning up after your pups at this age