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Dog started urinating........

19 11:57:47

I have a 6 year old chocolate lab, we have been keeping him in our garage during the cold weather and he has all of a sudden been urinating on the garage door. he didn't do this for the first week, he just recently started doing this. Any suggestions? He is not nutered.

If he's definitely picking the door, and you can rule out that 'he had to go', then he's most likely marking. Perhaps he smelled another dog wander past the garage door (and labs have great noses, so it could have been a dog on the curb). Since I'm sure you want to get him out of the habit, try to let him out as normally as possible so he 'does his business' as usual. If he's marking, though, maybe you could limit his water intake at night - just leave a little water. And clean the garage floor and door with one of those cleaners that are sold at home improvement stores to get into the concrete so any leftover vague smell will be removed.

After this cold snap, of course.