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Dandruff and hair falling

19 11:57:47

Hi Cindy,

Well, we have a Cocker puppy named Gegey and we noticed that her hair is falling everywhere and when we brush her hair there's dandruff all over. The Shampoo we use is called Tropiclean Oxymed and we were wondering if you could gives us some advice on what shampoo and conditioner to buy. Thank you!

Hello Melanne, A puppy how wonderful! My best advise is to use puppy appropriate shampoo, not one with to many chemicals or extra ingredients on such delicate skin. You can get Lambert Kay products at most pet stores and I highly recommend them.  There are many others that are also good, read the ingredients and keep it simple.  When you bathe her just to remember to rinse, rinse, rinse.  This is very important.  Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)