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biting fur bald

19 10:39:41

I have a 8 month old pit bull and he's recently been loosing hair on his head. He has about 3 spots and has also been chewing his knee a little bit to where there is no fur and it's pink. Recently I've noticed that the spots have started to bleed a little, I don't know if it's just possibly skin irritation? I tried giving him an oatmeal bath and the rest of his fur is fine. It hasn't spread so I was thinking maybe it was just irritation. I want to take him to the vet as soon as I can afford it but I was wondering what I could possibly do for him in the mean time.


Hair loss on the head and legs are unfortunately a symptom of mange. It can be other things, but if I notice hair loss on both head and legs, I take them in immediately to get a skin scraping. If its demodex, it can leave the skin broken and bloody, and it may not spread quickly.

There is really nothing that you can do except get him into the vets. Without knowing what it is, it is too dangerous to try to treat at home. If the skin scrape comes back positive for demodex or sarcoptic mange, then you treat the mange- if not, come back here and we can discuss allergies and other options! :)