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how do i get my puppy to stop soiling her crate?

19 13:59:57

i got a japanese chin puppy about 2 weeks ago from a pet store ( i know...horrible, but i couldn't resist). I have been using housetraining pads with her, and for the most part she is able to pee on the pads. However, she rarely, if ever, goes #2 on the pad. Whenever i put her in the crate, she soils it. I do not know what to do, so i have put a hosetraining pad in half of the crate and her bed on the other half, just because i got tired of washing the bed every day since it was covered with her poop and pee. I am afraid that every day that goes by with her soiling the crate and the rest of the house will make her even more prone to doing it. Please help!

She may need some exercise to stimulate bowel movements before going in the crate.  This is best done outside.  Be careful.  One sniff of where a diseased dog eliminated in the last 6 months is enough to contract a fatal case of parvo.  Keep her moving until she starts sniffing.  Let her go if she starts making tight circles.  If she then has a bowel movement, praise her.