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New puppy problems with old dog

19 9:25:27

QUESTION: building a healthy relationship between new and old dog:

We have introduced a new puppy (10 month old Labrador female) to our 6 year old female shar pei after our other dog died. The problem is that the new dog storms the old dog and scares her away.

Our old dog lost her mate a week before and I'm wondering is her "depressed" behavior of that or the new dog's antics?

How can I improve this relationship between them and avoid fights?

Kind regards

I think the best thing for now, would be to keep the lab on leash when they are together so you can correct the lab for the "storming" by saying no and giving her a tug.  Tell her to sit, then treat them both.     The shar pei could definitely be mourning, but dogs like company so I think if you can get the pup to display some manners and respect for the shar pei, it will go better.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks so much for your reply!

I just need to get your advice on one more matter regarding the leash that I must put on the youngster. None of the dogs are familiar with a collar or leash. The older dog are terrified of a collar and the younger one doesn't know what that is. How can I get them to accept a collar and leash? Not just for the younger one for now but to be able to go for a walk with them?

Thanks so much for your time!

well get a collar for the young one right away.  Put it on and leave it on.  Make it a light weight one to start.  For the older dog that is terrified, start her with a ribbon around her neck and gradually increase the tightness and heaviness.  A slow process, but very easy on the dog.   After she finally gets used to the collar, cut a nylon leash to about 15 inches and put that on and leave it on at all times.  She cant get tangled with that.  Eventually you will be able to put a leash on her.   At this point you may be able to walk her holding a leash with no pressure, but using treats to get her to move.  Lots of praise.  After you get to this stage get back with me and we will go to "walking on leash"