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Puppy Teething, Jumping, Bathing and Ear drops

19 9:51:15


Puppy Trinnie
Hi, I have a 5 & 1/2 month old Staffy X puppy. She is very obedient and good generally. She has lots of toys, and bones, but likes to bite and chew my hands. I have tried a very loud 'no', putting lemon juice on my hands, making loud noises, offering her a toy instead, nothing is working.

She also jumps on people when she gets very excited. How can I stop this?

I'm also having trouble bathing her, I use the bath, but she tries to get out and in the process scratches me badly.

She gets very dirty ears, and the vet has recommended that I put ear drops in and clean them out with a tissue, but everytime she realises I have the eardrops or try to clean her ears, she wont come near me, no matter what treats I offer her. Normally she will let me touch and play with her ears, but not when she realises I am trying to clean them. I can't hold her down to get the drops in as she struggles and gets panicky.

Please help, and ideas would be appreciated

Hi, Monique,

Some of the grooming chores may require the help of an additional person to hold her while you clean her ears, etc.  Sometimes things just "need to be done" and we can't always wait until the dog has learned to accept them.

It never works well to call a dog to us for something they don't like; they soon learn to ignore us or not trust us.  You may need to just put a leash on her and TAKE her to where you need to be.

However, a long-term goal for you would be to teach her to accept handling of all of her body parts - mouth, ears, feet, and so forth.  I suspect you may just not have found the right treats, the treats that really "push" her buttons.  Try something like string (mozzarella) cheese, hot dogs, cheerios, peanut butter.  Start out very slow, once or twice a day, and give her the treat while you handle her ear, her foot, etc.  Make a practice of this and eventually she should look forward to the touching because it means she gets her special treats.

As far as bathing, this again may be something that requires a helper.

Here are a number of documents dealing with puppies and training that I hope will be helpful: