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chorkie ate used vegetable oil

19 10:38:38

My 5 month old chorkie climbed on counter and ate about 1 cup of used vegetable oil.She has thrown up about half of it.Are there any special things we need to do?


Put down a whoooole lot of paper!

That oil is going to come out of her in all sorts of ways that won't be pleasant. Oil works like a laxative, and greasy, used oil is going to be worse. There is nothing you can do now except let her throw it up, and wait for the diarrhea to end. Do not give her anything to stop the diarrhea, as her body needs to cleanse itself of the oil. Do not feed her any food. Just let it work its way out of her body. Once she has started to feel better and is no longer throwing up or having diarrhea (probably some time tomorrow), you can offer her small amounts of cooked rice to settle her stomach. Let her drink as much water as she wants and try to keep her fairly calm.

Last but not least, keep an eye on your cooking oil! :) Now that she knows it is deeee-licious, you can expect her to go for it again. She wont remember it made her sick, only that it tasted like whatever scrumptious item you were cooking.

I hope she feels better soon! Good luck!