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over due?

19 10:38:37

My 3 yr old Shepherd was mated and due {the 63rd day} was a day ago. We have a confirmed pregnancy. The puppies are still  moving around well inside, and she is acting well, a bit more panting the past 2-3 days digs in her box the past few days...still has a good appetite and active...temp not really long is too long to wait? Its the weekend and the vet isnt in, but healthwise she seems alert and though I did discover a small ammount af vaginal discharge. like a clearish mucous that normal? a sign of anything?? Some are telling me its normal to be a few days over since you cant be totally certain when her eggs fertilized....any help on those two questions is greatly appreciated {she was checked by the vet 2 weeks ago and was totally healthy


Sounds like she has passed the mucal plug! (Clear mucous and fluid) Should be soon!

I'd agree with what you have been told. You never know when exactly the eggs are fertalized- you can measure from the first tie, but the eggs may not be fertalized for a few days after that.

Keep an eye on her and watch for that temp to drop. That panting is usally pre-labor sign, and if you see it increase along with very nervous activity, she may be in the first stages of labor. Once she starts with contractions, she needs to have that first puppy within 2 hours or she needs to get to the vet immediatly. If you notice any distress or its a few days more with no new signs, it may be a good idea to get her back to the vet for an x-ray to see how the pups are lying, and maybe a shot of oxytocin to induce if necessary.

Congrats on your upcoming litter, sounds like you are doing a great job!