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my dogs ear

19 11:55:46

Hello, I have a 3 year old American pit bull terrier that I love dearly. He seems to have what started looking like a pimple that now looks like a wort instead on the inside top part of his ear! It seems to grow everyday and is now the size of a small peanut. not sure what i can do or should do, any info would help thanks so much!  

Hi Chris,

Thank you for writing to me about your American Pit Bull Terrier.  

If the growth on the top of your dog's ear is a wart, you can try the homeopathic remedy, Thuja.  This is the remedy of choice for many warts.  You can find this at a health food store, homeopathic pharmacy or on line.  You can give the pellets orally and also get a tincture to apply topically.

If the Thuja doesn't work within two weeks I would recommend having your vet examine your dog's ear.  

Make sure that a tick didn't imbed itself under the skin and is causing a reaction.

Best Regards,
Shelley Davis