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dog wont sleep with me/frightened of animals

19 9:45:35

hi. i have a 5 year old pug named Rocky. He sleeps in the bed with my mom or brother but he never wants to sleep with me. If I put him on my bed he will sit at the edge and eventually jump out, especially if my mom or brother walk past he always jumps out and follows them. I have come to the conclusion that he likes everyone else better than me but I hope its not true. Is, this true and how can i get him to stay in my bed with me? Rocky is also very scared of our pet rats, rabbits, and lizard. If I'm holding my pet and come near him, he runs away. Why does he do this and how can I get him to stay when my other pet is near him?


Hi Maddi,

It might be that Rocky smells your other pets (the rats, rabbits, and lizard) on you, and because he fears them, he tends to avoid you. You shouldn't be trying to approach Rocky when you are holding any of the pets he fears. You know he's going to run away from you in fright, and he's not going to want to be with you, if he associates being with you as a frightening experience!

If your other pets are kept in your bedroom, that's probably why Rocky doesn't want to sleep there, or it could be the smell of your other pets is stronger in your room than elsewhere in the house.

You can never force a dog into wanting to be with you, but you can train the dog into trusting you more, and in time that means he may willing stay longer with you. For starters, don't try to hold Rocky if he tries to run away, you have to let him go. Try offering Rocky treats, so he willing comes to you. Getting down on the floor, to be more on "his level" can help. Let him eat the treat, and leave if that's what he wants, but continue offering him a treat at least once a day.

If you can do more of the walking and daily feeding that would help too. Rocky needs to depend on your more for the things he needs, so he will see you as a provider. If at all possible, do all of his walks and feeding for at least a month, so that he gets the message that good things come from you.

Best of luck,