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poops on floor when I leave

19 14:00:56

My 3 yr old Shih Tzu female was completely housebroken..I worked.  She was alone all day. I retired and began taking her with me on short jaunts.  Now she poops on the carpet when I leave her.  What can I do and how?



Hi Jan;
She is used to you being with her. she knows you are not at work, just running around, and she is doing this for spite because she didn't get to go.
You know they are just 4 legged children, and they do the same spiteful little things and bes bad kids, just like children do. LOL
Do you have a room with tile so she can't soil the carpet?
You might also try the poop pads they carry at petstores.
You just have to scold her and chew her little butt out good when she does this.
Take her where it is, point to it, and do a real good "I am soooo ashamed of you" spiel.
I use time out for punishment. My australian shepherds and Setter and Sheltie just had to go to time out a few times, and they learned to go by what mommy taught them.I am the alpha, and i will smother them with love and attention, and spoil them rotten, as long as they follow the rules, and if they don't, I nag, and put them in time out.
My little Lhasa is a bit more hard headed, and he still has to go to time out sometimes, and he is 7 years old.
He just does want to be the top dog. LOl
You have had that kid long enough, and i am sure you talk to her a lot. She understands the language very well, and she knows exactly.
Take her to the poop, and tell her to "Just look at that, SHAME on you!" and give her a good tongue lashing.
I would even then say "You've been a bad girl, so you have to go to time out".
Time out at our house is about a half hour in the hall bathroom. It is small, only 5 X5 floor space to move around in. there is nothing to do but lie on the bath mat and hear what is going on they are missing out on.
When mine do something ( Like Max ( the Lhasa) snapping at one of the other ones), I say "I DON'T ALLOW THATR!"
Most of the time, all I have to do when he decides to be a little stink, is say "MAX! Do you want to go to time out?"
and he straightens right up.
I al;so foster dogs for a couple of rescue groups, so I do have accidents to clean up occasionally. I use Simple solution;
I get it at Petsmart, but I think Walmart also carries it.
It is the best stain remover I have ever found. I use it for other stains besides dog urine and poop.
It coaims to remove the scent so animals can't smell it.
That is why they reoffend in the same place. You clean it, and it smells fresh and clean, but the animal can still smell where it was, so that sort of establishes it as their bathroom.
I hope this has helped you some. Write me if I can help further.