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itching problem

19 10:39:49

I have a young pitbull(13 months)that has a skin problem itching and small places of lost hair and the vet said these type of dogs are known for allergies to flea saliva. They gave him a shot and a pill but it came back. We have done the burnt motor oil trick which didn't work. We have bathed him with a good flea and tick shampoo which helps for a short time I've been giving him flaxseed oil in his food which seems to help his coat but he still has itching and small bare spots on him. Any ideas?


If you used burnt motor oil, I would take him to the vet ASAP. That trick is an old wives tale and is actually EXTREMLY dangerous to a dog, as the chemicals can obsorb into their skin and blood stream and kill them. It is even more dangerous if they have broken skin from scratching. It is one of the most deadly peices of nonesense floating around the internet.

I would give him a bath in dawn, let the dawn sit on his coat for 10-15 minutes, then rinse him, removing the fleas. I would then bathe him in an oatmeal shampoo to help with his skin. Once he is dry, you need to use something like Frontline plus on him to keep fleas off of him. If he is in the house, your house needs to be treated as you may have a flea infestation. Benedryl will help with his itching and bald spots where he has scratched the skin raw, as will another shot from your vet (Which was most likely an antihistamine shot similar to benedryl). Please call your vet for the dosage instructions for benedryl as I do not know your dogs weight.

I hope he feels better soon- flea allergies are so annoying!