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My dog doesnt know how to tell me she needs a pee!

19 9:44:38

Firstly i have to apologise as this is going to be a long email!

3 months ago i purchased a 6 month old chinese crested powder puff bitch from a breeder who was getting rid of her as she was unsuitable to breed from. She was living in a house with 3 other bitches (including her mother). Daisy (my dog) and her mother were purchased from a breeder around 4 months earlier (both are KC registered). It seems as though Daisy had a terrible time with her previous owner and was a nervous wreck by the time we got her (this is why the previous owner decided that she was no good to be bred from).

She had never been on a lead, had never met other dogs and was terrified of any quick movement or loud noise! Slowly we have got her to come out of her shell. She now walks happily on the lead and is getting used to strangers and dogs that she doesnt know. I
have been trying to introduce her to as many happy and confident dogs to build up her own confidence and socialisation. This has all worked really well but we seem to have just one more problem which we cant overcome. Every once in a while she will urninate in the house. We have never told her off to ensure that we dont scare her but follow up the accident by taking her outside as soon as she has has done it.

We believe that she does not know how to tell us she needs the toilet or perhaps she is scared to ask for some reason? Perhaps she was told off in her old home or there has been an event that has put her off asking?

It's not as though she does it everyday but we just wish we could find a way to get her to tell us when see needs to go. We take her out every 3 hours and always after foods etc but sometimes its not enough. The last few instances have happened within an hour of being out for a walk or in the garden for the toilet.

Previous dogs we have owned have always sat at the door or signaled to us by following us that they need the toilet but for some reason Daisy wont.

Sorry this email is so long, hope that you can help?


It sounds like you are doing a lovely job with your new dog. It sounds like you also might need to re-housebreak her, from the beginning. Sometimes a refresher course is all that is needed, and I suspect in this case, it will do the trick for you. I will use the "C" word now, "crate", knowing some people really don't like that idea, but I am convinced that not only does it work, it is good for the dog. A dog that has been *properly* crate trained loves its crate and views it as a safe place. It also views is as a place to keep clean.

So, in her crate when she's not with you directly supervised. Take her out as soon as you get up, and when she goes outside, give cookies and/or praise. Increase time in crate initially, 3 hours and overnights, then 4 hours and overnights, then 5 hours and overnights, etc. until she is succesfully controlling her bladder and consistently peeing outside when you let her out.

By taking her every 3 hours, you are not letting her body get used to waiting. If you use crate training to help her, you will both be happier - and work on 'signaling' to go out can start when she starts to show she she is ready. It could be two days or less - she may bark to 'get out' of the crate, in which case you take her out, and reward if she pees outside.

Hope this helps,