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Mini Schnauzer in heat

19 9:50:55

Is there any way we can tell with 95 to 100% confidence that our mini is DONE with heat?

She has burrs and tangles, the groomer will NOT take her until she is 100% done.

She is not spotting anymore...she started about 3 weeks ago.

Please let me know

"About three weeks ago" could still have her fairly breedable if your memory is off at all. Next time write on your calendar the very first day you notice bleeding, and then you can count from that. A heat cycle usually lasts for 21 days in most bitches, but some can go a bit longer. I usually keep mine confined for a full four weeks to keep on the safe side. You might try running your finger around your bitch's vulva and see if she cranks her tail off to the side; if she does that, she is still in season for sure. I rather imagine that your groomer is concerned about the bitch's lovely aroma upsetting the other dogs at her shop.

Go and buy some Cowboy Magic Detangler. It is a horse product that can be found online or at a local horse or farm supply store. Rub a small amount of that in the burs and mats, and using your fingers, a brush, and a comb, gently separate the hairs and remove the burs. If you clean her up yourself, the groomer may not charge you as much when she grooms her.