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Cloudy eyes

19 11:48:18

Hi, i have a yorkshire terrier.

The dog was given by an old lady and she never gave us any information about this dog, so i don't know how old it is.

I had this dog for 2 years already, i noticed just today that her eyes are turning very very light blue and seem to get cloudy, what does this mean????  


If the dog is middle-aged or older, you may start to notice a bluish-haze in their eyes. This is particulary noticeable in bright light, and progresses slowly with time. Generally speaking, it is normal and doesn't seem to really affect their sight.

That being said, several other things can cause cloudiness and sometimes a grey or white tint to appear in a dog's eyes. Cloudiness is symptomatic of glaucoma, or can mean the dog needs to have bloodwork done to test for problems with liver or pancreatic function. Inflammation or simple eye irritation can create haziness, and haziness can also mean there are cataracts (if both eyes started doing this at the exact same time I doubt the problem is a cataract). I could go on and on with this list. The trouble with eye issues is that they are impossible to diagnose through a simple physical description. If your dog is due for her annual examination soon anyway, I would say it is safe to wait until then and ask your veterinarian about it. If not, you may want to have her seen if you have any concerns. If you do decide to wait on an exam, things to watch for are sudden changes in the appearance in the eyes, any sort of discharge from the eyes, signs of worsening vision, or signs of any discomfort or pain - like scratching, rubbing, or squinting. If you notice any of these you need to call a veterinarian immediately.

Good luck!
