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JRT fighting

19 13:56:17

We have two Jack Russell Terriers.  They are both 5 years old,
and they are both rescue dogs.  We got Daisy (the female) in
March and Grady (the male) in June.  Both dogs are fixed.  They
seemed to get along in the beginning, but recently they have
started fighting frequently.  We can't tell what starts it (I've
noticed that it's not food or toys), but we usually pull them apart
before someone gets hurt. Neither has established itself as the
more dominant one, and I don't want them to fight it  out until
one is seriously hurt.  (We do keep them seperated when no one
is at home) I've heard that there is nothing we can do to stop
this fighting other than return one to rescue, but we love both
dogs (and they are really sweet and loving to us and to each
other when they are not fighting).  Will a few private sessions
with a behaviorist help this situation? Is there any other
solutions you can offer (other than getting rid of one dog)?
Thank you so much!

This is normal for the breed, I have fox terriers and it is the same.   You should take them both to class so they get used to working together as a team.  But more importantly  you must become the complete dominant alpha pack leader.  They are not allowed to eat, go out, move, unless you say it is ok.  This can be done with long walks or if you can't do this put them on a treadmill.  They need walks so you can keep them at your side the whole time.   First start with the quickest learner, then the other.  Pick up Caesar Milans book He will give you more ideas.  He has 32 pitbulls living together without a fight.
good luck