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Blister on dogs genital area

19 13:33:21

I just recently found a nasty looking blister on my Pitbulls vagina. it looks like it is filled with watery liquid. She also gets what looks like acne on her chin quite often...which i didn't think about till now. Have you ever seen this? What is your professional opinion...I will go to the vet either way, I'm just really worried and want to know SOMETHING till she gets in to see the doc.

Hi Ashley,

Actually, I'm not a professional, just a regular person with some experience is all. But I'm willing to try and help.

Small bumps on the skin which are filled with pus are called 'pustules.' Larger bumps filled with pus are abscesses. If small bumps contain a clear fluid, they are called 'vesicles.' There are many conditions which can cause these lesions, ranging from allergic and irritant contact dermatitis, to bacterial infections, such as Impetigo, Folliculitis, and Staph hypersensitivity.

Treatments vary depending on what's actually going on, so it's a good things you've got plans to go to the vet.

I hope I've been a help.

Best of luck,