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Pug is urinating on everything

19 11:44:21

I have a male pug who is 4 years old. Recently we brought home a female puppy. They get along great except the male is urinating all over the house, on the puppy, and now has started urinating on my children. I'm not sure how to go about controlling this behavior. We have crated him but this seems not to work. I have asked his vet and he says it will pass, we feel it's out of hand.

Hi Kerri;
It isn't a mystery. He is making his territory.
By urinating on it,. he is putting his scent on what he owns, puppy people and everything.
first, if he is not neutered, you need to have this done, unless you have great bnloodlines and getting this female is for breeding purposes. Neutering will cut down the marking somewhat.
Scolding, and chewing his little butt out will take care of the rest.
It won't pass. As long as he can get away with doing it, he will.
He is taking over and showing he is the alpoha in the house, the BOSS!!!
If he is neutered, he just neds the chewing out, and possibly being put in time out as punishment.
I use time out, and it works. They HATE time out.
Time out at our house is a half hour in the small bathroom, after a good butt chewing.
I say all the shame on yous and all that, but I also say. "I don't ALLOW THAt!!!"
Wne  mine do something wrong, mom chews them out in a way they know they really plowed up a snake, and they don't want anymore chewings like that.
When they do as they are taught, that get lots of pets and attention, and everything is pleasant.
Every once in a while, one of them does slip the traces a little.LOL
I foster dogs for rescue groups, so I have tains to clean up sometimes. I use Simple Solution to scrub it up so the dogs can no longer smell it.
With carpet shampoos etc, you can't smell anything, after it is thoroughly clean, but the dog can, so they go in that place agaiin.