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19 11:25:12

Hi Patti,
How can I tell if my 12 year old Cain Terrier cross Shetland Sheep Dog has arthritis?
Regards Lisa

Hi Lisa,

The signs and symptoms of arthritis in dogs are joint pain. Symptoms of arthritis in dogs are:

Decreased activity.
Slow to lie down or get up.
Limping or stiffness after activity.
Trouble running.
Reluctant to climbing stairs or jump up.
Tires easily or lags behind during long walks.
Audible "clicking" when walking.
Soreness when touched.
Yelps or whimpers in pain.
Change in behavior that seems to indicate pain like acting aggressive or withdrawn.

Though it's more possible in dogs weighing more than 30 pounds, hip dysplasia can also cause arthritis.

The time to begin treatment is when a dog starts to show symptoms. Treatment consists of anti-inflammatory medication and pain relief medication (possibly only on an "as needed" basis), nutritional supplements,  acupuncture, chiropractic care, massage, maintaining a proper weight, and exercise moderation.

Natural supplements such as Glucosamine and Chondroitin can be used in canine arthritis treatment, but work best before there is significant damage to the joints. These supplements need to be given daily, and can take a month or longer before any positive results may be seen. If discontinued, joint degeneration will resume. Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplements can be given along with prescribed pain medication, this is important since it takes so long before results may be seen. You can read more about these supplements here:

Your first step needs to be a trip to the vet to have your dog evaluated and diagnosed. Ask your vet about pain relief medication and also about using Glucosamine and Chondroitin supplements.

Best of luck,