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retrieval problem

19 13:54:34

Lilly, a 19 month old English springer, loves to retrieve a ball but doesn't quite understand that to continue the game, she must give it up.

Any suggestions?

Does she bring it back to you at all or just run around the garden with it?  A treat works wonders, when she has the ball call her back and show her the treat.  When she comes to you say "leave" and when she drops the ball give her the treat.  Teaching the "leave" command is very useful generally and will hopefully enable you to enjoy a game of fetch.  I definately feel your pain on this one, my own youngest pup is about the age of your dog and he will run after the ball fine but then gallop round the garden for ten minutes until he gets bored and drops the ball.  In my boy's case its just lack of brains (he struggles with "walkies"!) but a springer should be able to learn to retrieve with no problems.
Hope this helps.