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Nearly 9month Bichon x Maltese

19 9:56:58

We have a nearly female month Bichon x Maltese who has recently came on heat.  We also have a 5 year old male Maltese x Shitzu.  Yesterday they did the doggy deed and my question to you is she old enough to have puppies or should I take her to our local vets?


Hi Lauren,

A female dog shouldn't be bred before she is two years old. Just as it's a bad idea for human teen-agers to have babies, it's also true for immature dogs.

It's not too late for you to have your female dog spayed. Even though the ideal time for spaying is before her first heat cycle, your dog can still get some significant health benefits from spaying now. There are many reduced cost spay clinics, contact your local animal shelter or Humane Association to see where in your area they're located.

It is unwise and irresponsible to have unaltered male and female dogs in the same household.

Best of luck,
