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Frustrated at housebreaking................

19 11:39:31

Hello, my dog Trixie is a 10 month old Beagle.  She has for some reason started back to using the bathroom in the house after she was housebroken when she was a pup, and that was no easy feat in the first place.  I have tried to do some of the things that I have seen on some of the other questions.  Like put her food in the place where she keeps going, when she gets up I put her outside, close to after she gets done eating.  It just surprises me that no matter what I do she just keeps going, and not in the same place every time.  Also she will not do it while I'm in the house only if I go out to do something no matter if it is for just two minutes.  I can't keep her out with me or just keep her outside because I live in Texas and it is already like 90-98 degrees outside no matter how much water I put out I feel badly because it is so hot.  Please help me I can't figure this one out.

Hi Jarred. Unfortunately, you are going to have to start off doing housebreaking completely over again as if the dog never knew. Use a crate when you are gone and do not allow the dog to have an accident. It is more up to you then the dog. If you need more step by step instruction, let me know. thanks