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Dog Sedatives

19 11:25:43

I have a 7 lb. female maltepoo that goes completely crazy when I try to give her a trim with a clipper.  We tried a professional groomer but she always came home completely shaved because the groomers could control her during grooming.  Is there something I can give her that would make her be extremely calm during grooming?

I don't really like medicating dogs for grooming purposes. But there are several natural things in pet stores that work pretty well for sedating dogs without drugs. Go look and see what appeals to you and try it just at home while brushing her. Keep trying them until you find something that works. You can also try some desensitization. Brush her just a little bit and give her treats every single time. Put a blowdryer near her. turn it on and if she goes nuts just calmly hold her. When she eventually FINALLY is still even for a SECOND give her a treat and stop immediately. Do it every single day. I would do the same with clippers if you have any available. Also take her to the groomer just for bathing and brushing. OR better yet, run her by there, go in just for a moment and have the groomer greet her enthusiastically and give her a treat. Then go home. Lay the clippers where she can see them turned OFF, and everytime she even looks at them give her a treat. if she touches them give her a treat. It may take awhile for this to work but it WILL work over time. :). The rule is when X doesn't work go back to A. Start with what doesn't scare her, like brushing. And work from there. Remember one step at a time. You can do this!