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Rabies shots

19 11:40:01

When I adopted a dog  in January I took her to the Vet.  Told them to check the dog over and do all shots as I didn't know what shots the dog had.  The other day I called and asked to get a copy of the rabies cert. and spaying to use to get a dog license.  They told me that they hadn't given the dog a rabies shot.  I argued with them but ended up taking the dog out where they gave her a rabies shot.  Tonight I found the proof of the 1st rabies shot which means she got one in January and again in June.   That night she was sick and I questioned it.  Now I figure it is because of the shot.   We have very very poor vet's in our area so I am worried.   I have been looking on line to see any info on this.  I will be calling them tomorrow and complaining but the issue is the health of my dog.

Hi Patty, I don't blame you for being upset, I have seen very poor dog health places also, I have also seen many dogs into the shelter and get a rabies shot and then when their owners claimed them they stated the dog had rabies shots. I think your dog should be ok even though it probably did make her feel sick, vaccinations sometimes makes a dog feel sick to begin with, then your poor dog had a second, but it happens all the times on stray dogs in shelters and as of yet I haven't seen anything other than the first night being sick. I have been in your place before where a vet actually blinded my dog, the courts look at dogs as property not as people, I'd like to see some of those Judge's go threw what some dogs have to go threw. Good Luck and Maybe you Can Take her out for a jog  or play with her and her toys to make it up to her. Sincerely, Angela