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Older dog bit puppy without provacation

19 10:24:51

I have a 14 year old German Shepherd/Black Lab mix that really doesn't like my new 9 week old GS puppy!  He doesn't want the puppy around him at all and attacked the puppy in the yard today when the puppy was just walking around him.  The older dog only has a few months left (if that) before we are going to have to put him to sleep...due to large tumors all over body (non-cancerous) and hip dysplasia and arthritis.  I know that the older dog is grumpy and in some pain but he is still wanting to play on the couch a couple of times a day.  My question is what should I do?  Do I just keep the puppy away from him as much as possible or what?!?!?  Please help!!  I am at the end of my rope...I can't even let the puppy play in the living room on the floor I am so worried!

Hi Debbie,

Yes, keep your older dog and puppy separated, and continue to give your older dog the one-on-one attention he needs. When you want to spend time with only the puppy, crate or contain your older dog.

Knowing you can't trust your older dog with the puppy means you must supervise the two constantly. You might want to  have your older dog wear his leash inside your home so you can stop an attack before it occurs.
When you need a break, crate or contain  (with the help of a child gate or two)  one or both of them. Their containment areas should also be separate from one another, as well as separating food and water bowls, toys, or anything else they they lay claim to.

This is the time to start getting your puppy used to be crated, and spending a little quiet time alone. So being crated, or contained is actually beneficial training, as well as giving your older dog the break he needs.

Best of luck,
