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Adult training

19 14:13:19

Hi there!
I have a miniature schnauzer and was just wondering if its too late to train him for behavioral problems. He's an anti-social, aggressive, and mean to strangers but a sweet boy to immediate family members only! No in laws, no friends, nothing, he will bite or attack. He is about five now, and sometimes I feel like its helpless. Is there anything I can do about him. Also, everytime he's at the vet, they have to hold him down like a prisoner so he doesn't bite. Do you also know of any shampoos that stay on for like a week like the ones at the groomer, I swear, they stay on that long. He also has a smell problem. Thanks.

Since this behavior has been allowed to continue for so long, it will probably be very hard to correct. I would suggest that you get the name of a good animal behaviorist from your veterinarian and also get your dog into obedience classes at a good training center ASAP.... and plan on keeping him there for several months while you work with him daily. You might also practice "Nothing in Life is Free" with him:

Also, if he isn't neutered, have that done as it may calm him down a bit.

It is unusual for schnauzers to have an odor problem. Maybe it is anal glands, dirty teeth, or an ear or skin infection. You might talk to your vet about this also. As to the shampoo, ask your groomer which one he/she uses.