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im looking for a dog....any suggestions?

19 14:01:19

i live with my mom, aunt, uncle, and baby cousins. I live in a house with another house in the back but it doesnt belong to us. i need a dog that doesnt need to live inside the house, but what worries me, is that the children who live in the other house would open the gate and let the dog run away. I need a loyal, lovable, small, and short haired dog, who doesnt need too long of time for grooming and excercise. Please reply as soon as possible.

Hi Danielle, thanks for your question.

At the moment from what it sounds like, you live in a pretty busy household. A dog in this enviroment who got little excersize would go nuts. This would drive you nuts. A dog should be part of the family, not living outside of it. So right now, I suggest you don't get a dog. Wait till you have the time and energy to devote to a dog. A tiny dog needs little excersize but small children can do alot of damage to a delicate dog. A medium or larger sized dog may do better with children(depending on training and temperment), but will require more excersize. All dogs can be loyal, but the most loyal dogs are the ones who live with their family and have a strong bond. This means you doing stuff with your dog EVERYDAY. If you ask me, all dogs are lovable.

So if you want to give me more information(ages of family members, how long the dog would be alone, if you've owned a dog before, ect) I could probably help more. Until I know more this is all I can say.

I hope I've helped. Emily