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About My Begale

19 11:35:42

Hello and thank you for taking the time to read this i have a 7 to 8 week old male Beagle and i know they are very popular in your Country and i would like to ask you a few questions i hear beagles are Hard to train and Training them the way any other dog is Trained will make them not respect you or not obey you even more is that true or fales? im having a horrible time training my dog to use the bathroom out side he does it when he wants i mean sometimes he will go to the door and cry until he gets let out and lately he hasn't even been trying he used the bathroom in the house and i yelled at him and told him no also stuck him nose in it and since he hasn't wanted to use the bathroom even out side im getting worried and would like to know some other way to house train him i don't like to smack my dog or anything like that i love him to death but im just frustrated when he knows some of the time and i tell him good boy and hold him when he does it but lately he has been using my carpet more then anything else please help.. thanks again

Also you lied in your ratings, as every trainer knows crate training is the most effective way,  I can't imagine you have already went out bought a crate and tried this, so to rate my knowlede at 1 is a lie, as you havent yet took my advice to find out.