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excited dog peeing???

19 11:35:42

we now have a 6 month old german shepherd puppy that my children found abadoned. She is now part of our family but we have only had her for a few days. She truly is a wonderful dog. Only concern is that whensome people got o put her leash on she will pee or when people come up to her to pet her, or even when you walk up to her, she will lay down (very submissively ) and pee. I need to figure out how to help her overcome this!! I don't know if whoever abadoned her made her like this but i would love for her to feel relaxed and that she is a a important part of out family buy i am clueless on how to fix her peeing problem!1 HELP!!!

Nicole Giammetta

Hi Nicole.
the answer to this is simple really. There is nothing to teach the dog..he is not doing anything wrong. It is the people that need to adjust. Try sitting down and not acting so excited to put the dog on a leash. She will see it and come over and casually put it on but do not make a big deal of it. If people come in and want to pet her, have them walk in and pay no attention to her and sit and after the excitement wears off of them coming in, it should be just need to adjust ...try this and let me know
thanks and good luck