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19 9:42:09


micah and lacy
my male and female are the same age she has never came in heat i guess i need to know when that happens. my micah (male)ran under my car i crushed his hip and pelvic bone it is healed with the help of a vet and he is still verryy active with my other dog.but my lacy(female) isnt interested at all ...he tries to mate with everything he comes in contact with but her what can i do to make them more of a couple i have had them both since they were 3months old.. if u can tell me what the mating habits are when they are about to be together so i can keep track..thank you

You don't say how old the dogs are, but if your bitch has never come into season, something is wrong. She may be hypothyroid, which is hereditary, so you should have her checked out to make sure she has no health issues before attempting to breed her.

If your male is "mating with everything", his mounting is not a sexual thing, but a sign of dominance. I would be concerned about breeding him because of the injury he had, and would check with that veterinarian first to make sure that it would be okay. Breeding is very strenuous for the male, and can be very hard on their backs if there are any structural issues. Your vet must be a miracle worker after that accident; I am surprised that Micah can still walk!

Some bitches are very selective as to which males they will let breed them, and will send out vibes to the ones they are not interested in so that the male doesn't even act interested in the bitch. I have seen this twice, and in the first instance, the bitch tried to kill a second male, and when presented with the third one, she indicated that he was the right dog for her.  

There are many excellent books available on dog breeding. Here are a few: