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Cat and dog together?

19 10:02:50

My cat is an outdoor/indoor cat and i want my puppy to come in only at night while my cat is outside. But I'm sure they will want to be together and they are going to be around each other quite a bit.

I'm scared. Don't want my puppy to get hurt, don't want my cat to get hurt. How do i get them to at least stop trying to hurt the other? My cat adjusted well when we introduced another kitten to it. He just hissed and stayed away from the kitten until they became friends. We gave that kitten away though.

My cat is very tolerant, but i don't have my puppy yet.
Help me?

Hi Kemp

It's possible for a dog and cat to at least tolerate one another, though they may never be best buddies. Most of how well your two pets will get along depends on your ability to be consistent in their training and supervision.

Introducing an adult cat to a puppy can be hard on the cat. Puppies are rambunctious and full of energy, when you aren't there to supervise, you need to separate the two animals. Overnight, crate the puppy in your bedroom so the cat can have the run of your house, as it may be accustomed to, or set up baby gates so your cat has escape routes to where the puppy can't follow. Baby gates are handy, it allows the puppy and cat to get to know each other without coming into full contact. Praise the puppy when he doesn't bark or want to chase your cat. Keeping the puppy on it's leash when it's in the house is a good way of preventing chasing before it ever starts. Praise a cat when he's gentle around the puppy. Keep the cat's claws clipped short so if they do connect with the puppy, the damage will be minimized. Observe your pets so that you can catch them in the act of being good. Give them ample opportunities to earn praise so that they learn what is acceptable behavior. Reinforcing good behavior is the key to encouraging animals to repeat that behavior instead of engaging in undesired behavior.

Read more about getting a dog and a cat used to one another, here:

I don't agree with the whole concept of "outside pets". I personally feel pets should be members of the family. You didn't say how old the puppy you're getting is, but young puppies need to be with people if they are going to be well socialized dogs. Also, puppies shouldn't be outside until they have gotten all of their puppy vaccines.

Best of luck,