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warts on dog?

19 9:25:16

I have a 6 yr.old female schnauzer I adopted from a rescue group.
She is very healthy with the exception of bumps on her body. I thought at first it was schnauzer bumps I've read about,however, the bumps look more like warts. They are white in color and hard. I have to be careful in her grooming not to scrape against one with the brush etc. They don't seem to bother her. When one gets scratched off, the hair disappears in that spot, and then comes back in a different color. What could cause these? I have her on Taste of the Wild and Orijen dog foods and she is up to date on all shots etc. I only use natural shampoos (Earth etc.) Aren't schnauzer bumps black in color?
Thank you for any help.


Hi Diana

Dogs can develop many different kinds of growths, many of which are benign, or noncancerous. Unfortunetly, there's no way of knowing what kind of lumps/warts/growths your dog has, without a vet exam, which might require a biopsy.

The color that growths might be aren't influenced by a dog's breed. The Schnauzer breed is prone to develop "Comedone Sydrome" which is similar to having blackheads. Generally the the growths appear along the spine. The growths are raised, black, crusty bumps will develop all along the back area. These may reach the size of up to one inch in diameter. Patchy hair loss would be evident and the skin may become thickened and red. In some dogs, the skin takes on an oily nature with a strong odor. This condition is usually treated with medicated shampoos that contain benzoyl peroxide, and should be used on a regular basis, often at least weekly. If a secondary bacterial infection develops, antibiotics may be needed. A good first step would be to have your dog examined by your vet, so you'd know what it is you're dealing with.

Best of luck,