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Puppy growls at children

19 9:20:56

Hello, I took my 4 month old border collie, Schotzie to the park today and she nearly growled at every child that tried petting her! When I said NO and pulled her away, it didn't seem to register. How do I correct this? She is not a mean tempered dog and I was extremely surprised when this happened today.

Hello Colleen,

This is better addressed to a trainer, I'm a groomer and pet nutrition professional.

I know that 4 month old puppies are very vocal and perhaps it is her way of saying hi.  My one poodle is a grumbler and he is very friendly.  With the training I took with my poodles, I was told to give a quick snap back on the leash and say with a forceful tone NO.  This helped a great deal.

Susan Potts,CPG