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puppy eating shit

19 11:07:00

My puppy is 4 1/2 months old.  and he's eating his own shit.  I have put accent on his food but it's not working he still doing it.  and it's nasty.  PLEASE HELP ME

   I actually have a dog that used to have this problem

It is called 'Coprophagy' And there are a number of reasons why dogs may do this,such as trying to get more vitamins,because it tastes good or trying to keep there yard clean-it doesn't matter about the type of food they have so you can stay on the same brand

A few things you can do is clean the yard as soon as you can and there is are products called  'Dis-Taste''For-bid' and 'Deter' and what they are are little pills that just make there feces taste bad,and I have used this on my dog and she stopped in a matter of weeks

Also adding b Vitamins to the dog's diet will also help as that is the vitamin they sometimes seek in feces