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Little yellow spots on blanket from puppy

19 9:50:56

QUESTION: We recently rescued a bloodhound mix dog from the humane society. She is almost 6 months old. We let her sleep on her bed and have started noticing little yellow spots on our comforter. I wasn't sure if this is dried saliva or pee or something else. There are quite a few spots, not just 2 or 3 and they are not very big, about the size of a pea but still very noticeable. Any help would be great. Thanks!

ANSWER: Hi Brandy;
I am sure he is marking his territory in your spraying, so, I would keep a good eye on him at all times.
You cannot be sure, though, so, make sure he is watched for vomiting as well. Cause he could have the parasite: "Coccidia" which will require Albon, or Primor from your vet!
Let me know what goes???
P.S. my new Book will be out soon, so watch for the link on my Profile page to give you Help tips for all your needs!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Our dog is a girl. Do female dogs still "mark" their territory? I didn't think they did. I don't really think she is doing this because the spots are so small like its just a drop.  

Hi Brandy;
Some females do pee to mark their territory, but, I thought your dog was a male..
I think she may be nervous, due to her new surroundings...but, keep an eye out.
She may have the other problem I mentioned, which then you need to take her to the vet.
Dogs of new environments need some time to adapt to their new places.
So, be patient!
Best regards,