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Hind leg

19 14:03:27

Our dog was running in the yard Sunday, and made a turn and when she ran back and stopped, she was holdong her back right leg up. My husband has felt her entire leg and hip and she has never cried or tried to pull away. It's  been 3 days and we finally found a spot on her pad that she will jerk her foot away when we touch it. It doesn't appear to be cut, it just seems to have kind of an indention on the side. She will barely put her paw on the ground every now and then. Should we be alarmed and rush to the vet, or just let her do what she needs to do to heal herself?

I don't want to say "don't go to the vet" and then have it be something serious...but I would give it another day...make an appt. for Friday and then if she still is not using it , go in. If she seems much better, cancel the appt and give her the weekend.  I would hate to see it get worse over the weekend and then you are stuck with an emergency vet visit$$$$.  Just watch and do what you think is right. Sounds like a sprain to me. Maybe even just her toe is sprained.