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Homeopathic remedy

19 9:21:39

QUESTION: My dog has been diagnosed with canine papilloma. I have given him Thuja Occidentalis 30c for one week, 1-2pellets orally. Ihave NOT seen any difference in size of his wart. Should I continue to give him the Thuja or is there another natural remedy I can try, homeopathic or otherwise. Someone else suggested  ca caters carbonic. Any help is appreciated

ANSWER: Hi Meno,

Thank you for writing to me.  How are you giving the Thuja?  It should be given as 3 pellets, 3x a day.  If you vet has given you the teeny pellets that are made for dogs, that is great.  But if you are using the pellets that are human size they have to be crushed without touching them and then tucked between the teeth and inner cheek where they can dissolve slowly.  I would also recommend using the tincture and putting that directly on the warts.

I have always had great luck with Thuja for puppy warts.  You can try the calc.carb and see if that works for your puppy.  After time the warts will disappear on their own as the virus winds down.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Shelley,

I have bought the regular over the counter homeopathic remedy from Boiron in health food store. Should I crush those pellets? They are small already. How do I put those between his teeth without touching them???
How long should I give him the Thuja?
I don' t think I can use a tincture because the wart is smack in the middle of the top of his tongue.
How do I know if the Thuja works? How long before I start to see a difference?

What are your thoughts on calcerera carbonica? Or L-Lysine 500mg 2/day for how long?
Dosage? For how long?

Thank you so much for your advice, this is a wonderful service.



Sorry for the delay - computer problems.

Take 3 pellets and drop onto a clean paper towel without touching them.  Put a paper towel over them and take a spoon and gently crush them into a powder.  Take your index finger and wet it with your dog's saliva.  Press on the powder and place it into your dog's mouth on the upper gum outside of the upper gum.  It will dissolve between the cheek and gum and be absorbed by your dog's system.

Take the tincture and place it on the wart...use your finger if necessary or a cue tip.

I am unfamiliar with Calcerera carbonica as I have not used it but you can alternate with the thuja.  Lysine is good and useful for viruses.  Start with one tablet a day and see how your dog does.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis