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cockapoo cut

19 14:23:38

I have a 10 month old cockapoo.  He has a very curly and dense coat. I like his hair kind of long about 2 inches. Tail and legs long and full cute puppy cut face.  However, I have been to 3 groomers so far, one cut was cute but told me they had to demat him for an hour and a half and cost me a fortune.  The other 2 groomers cut him about 1/4inch long poodle cut and he looks girly.  I brush him daily and wash him regulary.  I was thinking of learning how to groom him myself, I cut peoples hair?  Can you give me some suggestions or advice on how to learn and anything special I need to know with his dense curly hair.  Thanks, I am just so frustrated!  I am willing to learn I just want my cute puffy puppy back!  

It is good that you are brushing him daily, but alot depends on the type of brush you are using. I would start with a slicker brush. This looks kinda like staples coming out of the brush.  After going over the whole dog with that, change to a metal comb and make sure you are combing down to the skin. You may be brushing just the top layer of hair and the matting is against the skin. I will be honest with you..keeping him 2 inches long is going to be alot of work. If you bathe him at home, make sure you can run the comb through his coat before you bathe him. If you wet hair that is matted, it tightens it up even more. Also, when you bathe him, use a conditioner. That will help keep the coat from matting as fast.
As far as cutting him yourself, if you have him completely combed out, you can use a snap on comb on your clipper. You will need a book or someone to show you the finishing work,(trimming hair between pads, around eyes,etc..but with practice you will be able to do it. Talk to a groomer in your area--most are willing to help you learn and will give you some pointers.