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itchy, flaky skin

19 10:04:24

We just recently found a black lab puppy while we are on vacation and are thinking of keeping it.  He was very dirty so we bought puppy shampoo and bathed him.  I is scratching all the time and skin is flaking off when he does.  I don't see any fleas, but feel bad for him.  We are still on vacation and I can't take him to the vet until we get home.  Can you tell me anything that would help him through the week?  Thank you!!

I don't know if there is any topical you can put on him (like doggie lotion), but you could pick up some fish oil capsules from WalMart or some other drug store and start putting it in his food.  The fatty acids in fish oil are good for dogs and people as well, for skin, for heart, and other benefits.