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sores on dogs back

19 14:12:51

Right before the tail, on my dogs back, there are what feel like lumps or bumps and when I try to get a look at the skin under her coat they appear to be scabs and they must be itching her to the point where she tries to chew them off with her front teeth and makes them bleed then they scab over. I live in Nevada and with the weather as it is, so dry out here, fleas are not too common, or so I've heard. My dog is a pit bull mix, I'm not sure of her breed. She is caramel color and her coat is short hair and she is 3 and a half months old, still a puppy. She scratches herself constantly even though she wears a flea collar. She gets a bath about 1-2 times a month, sometimes just plain water from the hose when it gets real hot outside. She is an indoor dog and I feel like these itchy bumps are making her uncomfortable and I would like to do something to help her.

Hi Chris,  Your dog has what is called "Hot Spots" on her back, which are caused by scratching & biting.  They get infrected an cause scabs & oozing.  These can be caused by fleas, dry coat and even allergies.  The bad part about this is that you do need to get the scabs off as they harbor the infection and make it worse.  It then causes them to itch more.  Sort of a continous loop.  You can use a fine toothed flea comb and slowly comb the scabs off. Wash the sores with an antibacterial soap (real gentle) and then put some sort of hot spot treatment on the sores (you can buy these at most major pet stores).  You can also put an antibiotic ointment on them too.  The big key is to keep her from scratching and biting at them.   You can purchase an Elizabethan collar at most pet stores which willhelp keep her from aggravating them until they can heal.  Hope this helps,
