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standard schnauzer shedding

19 11:37:59

I have a black standard schnauzer (my second one) and have such a horrible problem with shedding, I am almost unsure what to do with him.  He was adopted but pedigree shows lines from Skansen and another reputible breeder.  He is 9 months (I've owned him since 4 mos) and is on Purina Pro Choice and vaccinated.  Shouldn't be stressed.
His shedding is outrageous and within a day of vacuuming there are very large clumps of hair everywhere.  The black hair is airborne and left on everything he touches.  My previous standard didn't shed at all so this is unbearable.  It is worse than a shedding dog.  Do you have any suggestions as to diet, supplements, etc that might help/cause this?  He is regularly hand stripped and the hair loss is magnificent.  This doesn't aid in the shedding though.  Any suggestions are helpful.  Thanks.

Hi Megan,

Here are some common reasons for why a dog might shed excessively:

Dogs do not grow hair continuously, but rather in cycles. Each cycle has a growing phase, a transitional phase and a resting phase. These hair cycles are controlled by such factors as nutrition, hormones, state of health, but most importantly, the amount of light (called photoperiod) and changes in the surrounding temperature. If it's been quite warm where you live, that could explain the extra shedding.

Diet is very important to the health of the skin and hair coat. Supplements such as cod liver oil are unnecessary if a complete and balanced diet is fed. If the diet is questionable, it is best to change over to one that is well- balanced. Nutritional supplements such as omega fatty acids can help reduce shedding if the cause of the shedding is related to a fatty acid deficiency.

Daily brushing is good for the hair coat and will remove those hairs that would normally fall out. From a housekeeping point of view, it is better to have the hairs come out on the brush than around the house.

Frequency of bathing and the type of shampoo used can also factor into the amount of shedding that occurs. Using a human-type shampoo, for example, can cause excessive shedding because these shampoos can be quite harsh to a pet's skin and perfumes can cause hypersensitivity reactions. Bathing too frequently can dry out the hair coat and cause excessive shedding.

Stress can also play a role in hair shedding. For example, it's quite common for dogs to start losing excessive amounts of hair during a visit to the veterinarian. This is because of the effects of the stress hormones that are released into the bloodstream.

Hormones trigger shedding. These hormones in turn are triggered by changes in the amount and length of sunlight and climatic temperatures. A thyroid check should probably be run. Hypothyroidism (not enough thyroid hormone is produced) is a disorder of the Standard Schnauzer breed. Hair loss is associated with Hypothyroidism.

The Standard Schnauzer breed is usually associated with minimal shedding, Because you feel that your dog is shedding excessively, he should be examined by your veterinarian.

Best of luck,