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Growth on dogs paw

19 10:51:38

I have a PitBull. She is about 13 years old & for the past 2 weeks she has had this growth on her paw. It is round with a little puss in the center. I have noticed her licking at it a few times, but it has not seemed to affect her healthwise & or with her eating habits. I have considered taking her to the vet, but she really freaks out & does not get along well with other animals since she has gotten a bit older. I took pictures, but I did not see any place where I could upload them. Thank you in advance for your time.

Hi Charlotte,

Because there's pus involved, the growth is either infected, or a large pustule.

Clean the area twice a day with warm water and mild soap. Dab hydrogen peroxide over the infected area. Apply a first aid ointment, such as Bacitracian or Neosporan ointment. At this point, take your dog out for a walk, so the ointment can have time to sink in, and isn't immediately licked off. Instead of the first aid ointment, you could you a product like New Skin Liquid Bandage (or something similar). These products contain an antiseptic to help prevent infection, and form a protective seal over the wound to keep out water, dirt and germs.

The problem with not taking your dog to the vet is, your dog's problem might be something completely different than a simple pustule and could require antibiotics. If you want to try treating this yourself, give it about a week. If the infected area doesn't look any better by then, or if it looks worse, then you need to have your dog examined by your vet.

Best of luck,