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shepard mix, 16 years old change in behavior

19 11:26:37

I took my dog for a long walk the other day, it was out of routine and ever since he has not wanted to eat, nor has he been active.  He just wants to lye around.  He is old and bony and I am noticing he can not get out the dog door anymore and has a hard time (and is very slow) getting up and sitting/lying down.  I am very worried because of his age.  he had surgery earlier this year to remove a lump from his back paw and I wonder if it still hurts him.  How do I know what is going on, or how will I know if he is going to get better or die?  Any advice would be helpful.  I have had him more than half my life since I was 11, he is my best friend and I am very concerned.

Your old friend is nearing the end of his life, and that long walk you went for was probably a bit too strenuous and wore him out. The last 16-year-old dog I had here slept something like 23 hours a day, and he was content to wander around the yard for a few minutes each day before he crashed for a few more hours.

It sounds like your guy might have a bit of arthritis, and all that exertion may have aggrevated it (and maybe the weather is affecting it, too). I would put him on a glucosamine/chondroitin supplement and see if that doesn't help him a bit.

In the meantime, you must get him eating again. First, try soaking his food in a bit of warm water or chicken broth and see if that doesn't tempt him. Sometimes mixing in a bit of canned food (chicken) does the trick. If all that fails, offer him some raw hamburger rolled into little meatballs. If he still refuses to eat, you can shove those little meatballs down his throat like a pill. Make sure that he continues to drink and does not dehydrate. Pull up on the skin at the back of his neck. If he is dehydrating, the skin will go back down very slowly.

When one has an old dog like this, it often doesn't take much to shove him over the edge, so you really need to fight to bring him back, but do know that at his age, his days are limited. When he is ready to go, he will let you know; you will see it in his eyes.

Give the ol' guy a hug from me...