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Medical Question about small breed dog

19 13:53:14

Hi Becky,
I adopted a dachshund/chihuahua mix dog 6 years ago and he is around 8 years old now.  He scoots his butt frequently and has had his anal gland sack drained.  It was drained a few times when he was younger, but lately it seems like it has to be done every couple of months.  What causes that problem and how do I correct it?  I want to make sure this is not developing into anything more serious.    

Hi Nicole!

This is a problem more with small breed dogs. You really should learn to do this yourself, and everytime you bathe him, drain the anal glands first.  It is really very easy, just a bit messy, that's why I prefer to do it in the tub then give them a good washing.  Hold the tail up, and place your thumb and forefinger on each side of the anus. You will be able to feel an enlargement, which is the anal sac. It will be more noticeable the more you do it.  Squeeze gently and it will drain.  This is a really bad smelling substance, so either use some kleenex when you do it, or make sure your hands are out of the way!  Afterwards, bathe him really good.  If you do it everytime you give him a bath, he should be ok.  If you neglect it, the anal glands will get infected and that will cause all kinds of problems.  If you prefer, take him to your Vet to do it. When he is scooting his bottom, he is trying to relieve the pressure that the impacted glands cause. It is quite uncomfortable for him.  I hope this helps.  It's not a pleasant task, but it sure will make him feel better!

God Bless,