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pet store dogs vs real breed

19 14:31:25

I heard that the pet store dogs don't really look like the real breed, do you know where I could find pictures showing the difference?

Dogs at pet stores do look like the real breed, but to an expert on that particular breed, it is obvious it is not a good dog.
Experts know the proper size,and appearance(confirmation)of that breed, and pet store dogs are usually scrubs, of the breed, meaning inferior confirmation.
Another problem with dogs sold in pet stores. they come from infamous puppy mills, or irresponsible back yard breeders.These puppy mills breed over and over, as fast as the females come into season, which wears the female down physically, and ruins her health. They are fed only the bare minimum required to keep them alive, kept in filthy cages with little water and no relief from the heat or cold. The bottom line for these monsters who opperate these places, is the money they get, so they do not spend one cent more than they have to.
When a dog is too feeble to breed and produce, they are disposed of by such methods as Knocking them in the head with something, or simply taken off in a woods to starve.
You get a dog that will probably develope bad health problems later on, and cost a lot in money to you, and suffering to the dogs.
You get a dog that is inferior in confirmation, and will not make a good show dog, should you want to show them or develope a good line for breeding, and you will pay more than you would have to pay to a responsible breeder, for a show quality, and healthy dog.
This is the reason Petsmart and Petco stores do not sell dogs and cats.
When you but these animals from a pet store, you are supporting the perpetuation of these inhumane puppy and kitty mills.
To the untrained eye, they look like the better of the breeds.
When I was an expert on, we heard from many pet store employees, about the terible condition these puppies and kittens arrive at the store. they told of the lengths they had to go to bring the puppies or kittens around so that they were not so obviously sick, and could be displayed.
They are, many times, shipped crate on top of crate, in trucks, and many die from heat and lack of air, on the way to the pet stores.
These places need to be done away with, not supported.
If you buy a puppy or kitten, thinking you will save that one, you are just making way for another to take it's place.
As long as pet stores sell puppies and kittens, these terrible places will continue to exist.
I buy NOTHING in a pet store that sells cats and dogs. I will cook for my animals myself, before I would buy one cupful of food from them.
Please pass this information on to anyone who will listen to you. We must do away with these places.
NO reputable breeder will EVER sell one of their puppies or kittens to a pet store.
They insist on knowing where, and to what kind of people their animals are going to.
Pet stores will deny they buy from puppy and kitten mills. They are blatantly lieing!