Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > how can i stop my beagle from begging

how can i stop my beagle from begging

19 11:52:17

every time i eat there is my beagle begging for scraps... I just can't seem to get them to stop.They are very stubborn. Any way to train them without hitting them?

The easiest way to prevent begging is to just crate them during mealtimes. You could also put them on a down-stay during mealtime, or simply make the eating area off-limits while the family is eating. Obviously, someone has indulged them at some point in time, as this is a learned behavior.

Personally, I don't care if my dogs beg; they are not going to get anything from me. They can stare holes in me all they want! They are NOT allowed, however, to stand up and put feet on me while I am eating, and if anyone does, I growl at the offender in a deep voice, stare him in the eye, and shove him back down (if he doesn't get down by himself).

Just be consistent in whatever method you use.
