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how do i take care of my 4 month old siant bernard mix?

19 10:54:42

i have a saint bernard mix puppy his names buddy and hes about 4 months old and pretty big i jus to wanna know how much they eat and exercise they need along with grooming cause he loves paying in the mud also is it bad to have him bite you playfully????????

You should feed him twice a day as much as he will and can eat in forty five minutes or so. When he's done he'll let you know. He needs lots of exercise but not much enforced , hard core exercise until he's an adult and his joints are set and growth plates closed.
Grooming, well yeah they love water and mud and you're just going to likely have to either curtail that on your end or prepare for lots of baths. Use a gentle shampoo to prevent drying out of skin and coat. Yes it is very bad to have him bite you playfully or otherwise. It's setting a precedent that you do not want. Remember everything you allow now he will do when he's over a hundred pounds.
Go to alpha dog boot camp on the web to learn how to establish and maintain pack order in your home. It's very important with these big guys